Windhaven Newfoundlands

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CH Windhaven's Stars and Stripes

Best of Winners - North Central Newfoundland Club Region Specialty 2009

SIRE:  BIS BISS CH Skippers Eminence Kind of Helluland OFA/OFEL  "Lincoln"

DAM:  Windhaven's Got Milk OFA/OFEL "Leche"


DOB:  3/4/08







CH Windhaven's Foxxy Cleopatra OFA/OFEL

SIRE:  BIS BISS CH SunValley Petitions Pouch Cove OFA/OFEL "Christopher"

DAM:  CH Seabrooks Talk the Talk OFA/OFEL  "Gabby"



DOB:  11/6/06





CH Seabrooks Talk the Talk  OFA/OFEL  

SIRE:  BIS BISS CH Seabrook's Steppin Out at Poohbear  OFA/OFEL  "Basil"

DAM:  CH Seabrook Day of Grace  OFA/OFEL  "Gracie"


DOB 2/3/03





Windhaven's Say It Isn't So

BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES - Newfoundland Club of America National Specialty 2009

SIRE:  BIS BISS CH Skippers Eminence Kind of Helluland OFA/OFEL  "Lincoln"

DAM:  CH Seabrooks Talk the Talk OFA/OFEL  "Gabby"


DOB 8/12/08





Windhaven's Party of One Pouch Cove

SIRE:  BIS BISS CH Skippers Eminence Kind of Helluland OFA/OFEL  "Lincoln"

DAM:  CH Seabrooks Talk the Talk OFA/OFEL  "Gabby"


DOB 10/26/08